Panasonic CES App

Every year, Panasonic holds a global CES event to showcase their latest devices/services and attendees are met with many activities prior to and following the yearly CES event. This year, Panasonic is focusing on the GREEN impact of all their devices as well as the attendees. My team was tasked to create an app for attendees to check in prior, during, and after the event for a full experience, which all attendees would have access to.



How we started

We started by reviewing data from the previous CES events, including number of attendees, what locations they departed from, and how many RSVPs could not make the event.

We spoke to some of the internal team about what the most important highlight of the GREEN impact would be and how we could gather more data on which activities and trackers to highlight for attendees as well as to get an idea of their experience with the previous CES events so that we could identify pain points and opportunities. 


The goal of the CES app is to create an interactive experience where attendees can check in prior to the event for pre-CES activities, during the event for a more immersive experience, and after the CES event, to check their GREEN impact and look at highlights from the event.

Discussions with internal team

The team conducted user research surveys to better understand attendees behaviour and frustrations with each stage of the CES event.

We sent surveys to 40+ previous attendees aged range between 23 - 50 years old across various regions including United States, Canada, and Europe where attendees arrived from.

Research Goals:

1.  Identify and understand the major highlights of the CES events and how to integrate GREEN Impact into this experience.

2.  Understand the pre and post CES experience for previous attendees.

3.  Get insights about user behaviours and patterns.

Results from the research

The user research revealed some of the frustrations the attendees had when arriving and filtering through CES activities. We found out that most of the activities they attended were difficult to navigate and return to after the CES event due to the large database on the Panasonic website. This had impact on their post event interests and highlights due to their vague understanding of the layout.

Other Insights from the research:

1.  A lack of interactive ways to connect with Panasonic’s activity highlights yearly.

2. Confusing and overwhelming navigation on the existing CES website.

3. The need for an interactive process when connecting with GREEN impact.


We designed wireframes as it was pertinent to identifying areas of design development to be considered before moving onto high fidelity design. This stage of testing provided insights including:

1. Check in/Welcome screen for both physical and virtual attendees.

2. The need to show the groups that staff belong to in order to foster collaboration.

Crafting a design system

A major aspect we identified in the design process, was to craft a unique design system for this portal for consistency and to suite the needs of the physical vs virtual attendees. Since the portal was going to be smooth, efficient, and visually appealing, this was a necessary step.

Welcome screens

We simplified the the welcome/check-in process by creating 2 different screens for physical attendees and virtual attendees. We found out from research that some of the CES webpages do not take in account this user difference and leads to attendees getting stressed, and abruptly ending their navigation.

Because this was an event welcome and exit platform, we had to give it as much simplicity and calmness as needed so that the users do not feel stressed using it.

Tracker rings

Another vital part of the portal we designed were the tracker rings.. To create a more immersive and interactive experience for attendees, I designed tracker rings for virtual attendees focused on CO2 emissions they would reduce.

Event highlights and point system

The point collection for both virtual and physical was designed similarly to the tracker ring with colour and copy distinction. The point system is reliant on the attendees’ (both physical and virtual) interaction with CES events. There was also an event highlight section created to immerse attendees days leading up to the CES event. This section would be updated during and after the CES event to increase user interaction.


Through the CES app, the attendees have given more feedback to Panasonic and birthed two more products to be incorporated into next year’s event which is estimated to generate a lot of revenue for the company.

Also, the point system has created more ability to track attendees’ interests as well as highlight the activities that retained the highest interaction.

It has also fostered the consistency of branding and interaction across Panasonic events increasing it by at least 10% over the last year.


Foresight Web Design