Foresight Web Design

Foresight needed a redesign of major pages to reflect the newest successful branding. What started as a redesign of a website, would soon become the media design across all channels and project a more consistent brand.


Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop


Brand Identity
Consistency across pages


The homepage would set the tone for featured pages and navigation. When redesigning the homepage, stakeholders were able to determine which pages would be featured and would ultimately be next up for the redesign.

Design Changes and Justifications

Taking from the Foresight report design, a dark overlay over images would be the major template for heros across the website.

Next, I would splatter company statistics across the website to show growth and increase shareability across other channels.

Lastly, I featured the major pages including stakeholder pages such as innovators and investors, and also challenges as this page was constantly updated and required user interaction.

Challenges Page

The Challenges page would set the tone for Challenge Case Study pages. When redesigning the Challenges page, stakeholders were able to determine which elements related to sponsors and regions would be highlighted.

Design Changes and Justifications

Taking from the various status of Foresight challenges, I created an infographic on the hero which would be used across challenge pages and case studies. Reiterating on design consistency.

Next, I would utilize the impact statistics elements from the homepage to highlight the growth of challenges thus far.

Lastly, I featured the open challenges higher on the page, and the closed challenges were featured in a lower section under Case studies.

*The Challenges page would set the design template for the Case study pages.

Case Study Pages

The Case Study pages would be a completely new addition to the Foresight website, built to strengthen the visibility of companies and brands associated with Foresight. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Design Changes and Justifications

Taking from the various status of Foresight challenges, I created an infographic on the hero which would be used across challenge pages and case studies. Reiterating on design consistency.


Panasonic CES App


Hologic Women's Health Index